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Pentair Thermal Controls Industrial Heat Tracing Systems and Technologies


  Industrial process temperature maintenance cables and controls
are available for a variety of applications. By selecting the proper
heat-tracing cable and controls, the process temperature maintenance
system can manage the temperature of fluid in a pipe maintaining it to
a desired level, ranging from low to high, depending on the need
dictated by the particular process.

What is Electric Heat Tracing?

Electric cables used to maintain temperature of non-flowing fluids by replacing the
heat lost through thermal insulation on pipes, vessels and associated equipment.

Electric Heat Tracing System

Heat tracing is a system of independent components designed to work together
to provide a temperature solution.

  • Cables (often a variety of cables and technologies are used on one project)
  • Components (power, splice, end terminations)
  • Power Distribution (power supply, ground fault equipment protection devices)
  • Controls (self-regulating, thermostats, control and monitoring systems – on/off, proportional control, PASC)
  • Accessories (glass banding tape)


Industrial Heat Tracing Brochure