TraceTek TT3000 leak detection cable (aka sensing cable) detects the presence of conductive liquids at any point along its length. Most acids and bases and even de-ionized water can be sensed and located. Installed with a TraceTek alarm and locating module, the cable senses the presence of fluid, triggers an alarm, and pinpoints the location. The cable is available in a variety of lengths to provide as much coverage as needed.
TT3000 sensing cable is available with factory installed metal connectors that plug together. The measurement circuit is not dependent upon the conductivity of the leaking fluid. Therefore, the same cable will detect a wide range of fluids without special design considerations or calibration.
The cable is designed for a variety of applications, including floor surfaces, sub-floors, equipment locations, pipes, storage tanks, and trenches. The cable is small, lightweight, and flexible, allowing easy installation. The smooth design allows quick drying. |