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Floor heating for all seasons
The SOFA team | February 18, 2013 |
Lounge, Rooms, What's New

When our feet are cold, our whole body feels cold – but thanks to Raychem underfloor heating system, you can put your socks away and the kids can happily play on floor without freezing…even the cat will be grateful!

HOW IT WORKS: “The electric underfloor heating is installed close to the floor surface, resulting in a quick warm-up at home or in the office, in the bedroom, living area, bathrooms or hallways.” says CAS Systems business manager Lester Ngan.

Multiple benefits

Energy-efficient cost-savings: With the self-regulating system and T2Red uniform heat distribution across the floor, it is possible to set the thermostat two degrees lower than usual. Quite simply, the floor heating radiation will automatically adjust due to the outdoor temperature, as Ngan points out.

Free of damp: Besides providing a warm floor, wet floors will also dry much faster. Soggy rugs, mildew and mites will be less of as a problem.

Easy to use & hassle-free: Raychem’s underfloor heating system can be fitted directly under all floor coverings – tiles, marble, wood, laminate or carpet.