CAS Systems Limited

What is Sensaphone?

Sensaphone is a US made Intelligent Monitoring System suitable for monitoring different Unattended Properties and Unattended Processes. Sensaphone models keep you informed and in control when you need to be. They monitor and protect remote installations, report valuable information back to you, and even help you control equipment via your phone by DTMF command.

Sensaphone is designed to call different pre-input phone numbers if a problem occurs. The problem can be detected as one or more of the conditions monitored by the Sensaphone. These include temperature, humidity, power failure, the sound of a smoke detector, water incursion, a break-in--just about any condition you might want to monitor.

When the Sensaphone makes its phone calls, it tells the listener about the problem at hand by natural language. Sensaphone intelligent monitoring system is available with a variety of communication options. For example, an alarm condition might be reported to a person via voice, or data could be sent to a computer file, a beeper, a fax machine, or even to an email address. In addition to reporting alarms, some Sensaphone models let you control devices remotely.

Who can use this technology? Just about anyone who can't be in more than one place at a time. Small business owners, plant managers and engineers, computer room management and staff--anyone with oversight responsibility can use a Sensaphone to help them monitor, control and prevent costly and dangerous industrial accidents or downtime in their process.